
Menampilkan postingan dari 2018

My Role Model

i have many role model. the biggest my role model is Michael Jordan although he is a basketball player but he is very inspiring to many people. Michael Jordan is a guy who was cut out of his varsity basketball team because he was deemed too short to play at 1.8 meter but he turned out to be highly successful in his basketball career and was known as a legend in the game. He had showed the mental toughness to bounce back from failure and here are lessons we can learn from him. Our Own Expectation, Do not fear failure, Just Try, Don’t Give Up, Hard Work, Make Things Happen, Passion. There are lots of role model in this world that we can learn from and Michael Jordan is one of them. He had shown us that achieving is possible and all we need is to believe in our own capabilities, don’t be fearful of failure and work hard to achieve results. If you want to achieve more out of your life, the teachings of the lessons above will definitely help.

End World Hunger

World hunger is going to increase if we don't stop it. There are 795 million people on the world who don't get enough food. Every 3.6 seconds some one dies.Some places that have hunger are Southern Asia , China, India, Eastern Asia and more.1.5 million children die every year of hunger. According to the World Food Program every day too many men and women across the globe struggle to feed their children a nutritious meal. In a world where we produce enough food to feed everyone, 815 million people – one in nine – still go to bed on an empty stomach each night. Even more – one in three – suffer from some form of malnutrition. Eradicating hunger and malnutrition is one of the great challenges of our time. Not only do the consequences of not enough – or the wrong – food cause suffering and poor health, they also slow progress in many other areas of development like education and employment. In 2015 the global community adopted the 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Devel...

Tugas 1 bahasa inggris bisnis 2 self-description

Hello everyone my name is Achmad Fanjasyiro. my friends call me syiro. I was born in Jakarta, january 8th 1997. I'm 20 years old. I am the second child of 3 siblings. My brother named erro he is number one. And the third is my little sister meymey. I am son of couple zen and harsini. I am single and a hard-working person and also have a willing heart to learn. My hobies are basketball, watch movie and comedy because all that make me happy and laugh. I have pleasant personality. I am very friendly,sometimes I am shy if I meet new people. I also fairly outgoing but not dominating, Iam confident. I also inteligent so I have a lot friends. sometimes I become annoying person and selfish. I like study hard. I graduated from senior high school muhammadiyah 4, and now I am studing in gunadarma university. I am currently studying Information Technology at Gunadarma University, Depok, and that makes me familiar with computer or technology. I have a good motivation for progress an...

COBIT [Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology]

COBIT  mengelompokan sumber daya- sumber daya TI yang akan digunakan oleh proses TI seperti berikut 1)       Data, seluruh jenis data, baik yang terstruktur atau tidak terstruktur dan dalam berbagai bentuk (gambar, suara, dsb) 2)       Sistem Aplikasi, prosedur yang ditetapkan dalam organisasi baik prosedur manual atau prosedur terkomputerisasi (aplikasi komputer) 3)       Teknologi, mencakup perangkat keras, sistem operasi, jaringan komputer multimedia, dll. 4)       Fasilitas seluruh sumber daya yang dimanfaatkan untuk menyimpan dan mendukung sistem informasi. 5)       Sumber daya manusia (SDM), mencakup kemampuan staf, dan berbagai pihak yang terlibat dalam pengaturan, pengadaan, pemenuhan layanan, pengawasan dan mendukung layanan dan sistem informasi. Cara lain memandang hubungan sumberdaya TI untuk penyampaian layanan     ...